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Es ist tatsächlich eine Schande für uns Südtiroler und
unsere Verwaltung. Mir kommt vor Politik und Verwaltung haben in den letzten (fetten) Jahrzehnten einiges verschlafen.
Es ist tatsächlich eine Schande für uns Südtiroler und
unsere Verwaltung. Mir kommt vor Politik und Verwaltung haben in den letzten (fetten) Jahrzehnten einiges verschlafen.
Man verwaltet sich selbst und scheint sich darin zu gefallen. Und wie immer bei solch eklatanten strukturellen Versäumnisse steht wer in der Verantwortung? Leider wie immer, der Fisch fängt am Kopf an zu stinken...
Das System geht vermutlich davon aus, dass die Hilfsbedürftigen (sorry für den Ausdruck) nicht in der Lage sind, selber mit Geld umzugehen und jeden Betrag umgehend in Alkohol oder Drogen umsetzen. Dabei wird ignoriert, dass sich die Situation grundlegend geändert hat.
Abgesehen davon: gibt es etwas, das man hier als Privatperson mit beschränkten Mitteln tun kann, um die eine oder andere individuelle Situation etwas zu verbessern?
Thank you for attention and opinion. Situation with alcohol and drugs is not a problem of migration. It is social problem and exists everywhere. When civil society does not exist or does not work, any social problem remains unsolved and became politically manipulated. For immigrant everything is even harder. When I arrived I was not so poor and powerty was not a reason for me to leave my country. But I become extremely poor here, because during the years I could not find any job and any place to live and I received only negative responses everywhere, including social services. Many migrants are searching just to be paid better for the jobs they did before in their countries. Their reason of migration is just economic troubles. But for those who are well educated and competent it seems to be even harder, because we are put on the same level of "miserable and poor strangers" and there is no individual approach at all. When I ask to read my CV attentively, people get angry because they do not understand what my job was about, it is unknown or very complicated to them. Many of them think I am arrogant that I dare to explain that I am educated enough for the job of saleswoman in the shop or bar even if I have no long experience in this sector. When I am refused of simple job I am applying to, the language and "lack of experience" is always used as a reason. Yes I do not speak as mother tongue but I am clever enough to understand what and how to do and what client oriented approach is really about. So instead of integration, people like me often see mostly the barriers and every day I have to prove someone that we are human and not a fool or idiot or declassed element. Besides finding job I have to fight to protect my human dignity every day and this is the hardest job I have ever been doing. I hope someone will hear me and this article will help to change situation for people like me. I am tired to hear that I am "just made a mistake to come to Bozen". As if Bozen is a kind of "cursed" city for poor and outsiders. I do not agree with this.